Proposed Plans for a Grow in Giving Appeal

Your Input is Requested

We are blessed here at Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church! Through God’s grace, we continue to grow and thrive as a community of faith “in and through Christ”, as we seek to be a home for today’s members and friends, as well as for those who will call this church their own in the future. Yet, WPC is facing a substantial financial challenge that needs our attention in order to faithfully anticipate that future. Even as we manage our expenses, we are running a significant budget deficit. Nevertheless, we have confidence that together we can address this challenge and we are excited about the future of WPC. Proposed plans would focus on developing immediate and longer-term goals to address this challenge. These plans include a Grow in Giving Appeal proposed for the fall. In order to assess the congregation’s readiness for this appeal we need to hear from you. 

Click the button below to find an informational brochure sharing more details. This brochure is intended to provide information, and continue engaging you, our partners in ministry, in this planning process.


Please return the brief survey by clicking the button below. You may also choose to fill out the paper survey found at the end of the brochure, and mail or drop it in the survey box in the church entrance.
Please respond by May 14.


Please attend one of the RST Information Sessions. 

In Person: Sunday, May 7 at 11:15 am

Virtual: Wednesday, May 10 at 7:00 pm

Zoom link for May 10

Thank you for your input and your prayers.