
As members of the body of Christ, connecting with one another and gathering as community feeds the soul. There are many ways to connect with others at Tosa Pres. The community gathers weekly for worship. This is the main way we do life together.  

  • Gray Panthers

    This group of individuals is committed to keeping the WPC infrastructure intact, from changing a light bulb to fixing the plumbing and everything in between. The group meets in the custodian's office on Monday mornings, except for the first Monday of each month when their hard work is rewarded with breakfast at Capitol Cafe. If you enjoy DIY, fix-it manuals, and "honey-do" lists, call the church office for more info. Gray Panthers are not meeting regularly, but do work on projects around the building as needed.

  • itty bitty committee

    The tiniest members of our community (and their parents) meet every couple of months for yoga, playtime, and fellowship. Watch our Facebook page for event information. 

  • Grace circle

    The Circle has been a traditional way for women in the church to get together for conversation, Bible study and service to the church. Over the years, women have formed fast friendships, experiencing life transitions together as sisters in faith.

    Grace Circle

    A gathering of women taking the opportunity to step out of their busy lives to explore ideas of self-care and self-awareness in the company of sisters in faith. Contact the church office for more information.

  • men's conversations

    Men of all ages meet each month for conversations and discussion of the latest book being read. Talk to Rev. Brett or call the office for more information: 414-774-5005

  • over 55's - All are welcome!

    Programs designed for the lively senior set include speakers on current events, dramatic presentations and musical performances. Delicious dessert usually accompanies each program. 
    February 13, 2025: Valentine's Party at 1PM ($8/person)

    Sign up in the Gathering Space or call the church office: 414-774-5005

  • quilters' quest

    The quilters meet every other Thursday morning (Fall through Spring) in the Meeting Room for fun, laughter, companionship and creating lap quilts that are donated to various organizations across the city. Everyone from beginners to experienced quilters are welcome! All equipment and fabric provided. Contact Ilene Marconnet or the church office for more information. 

  • sit'n & knit'n (prayer shawl ministry)

    Be a part of our mission to knit or crochet a prayer shawl for those who have made it known to us they are in need of prayer, comfort, and strength. Come join us for a morning of lively conversation with needles clicking while we create beautiful shawls with colorful yarns. Yarn and patterns are available. We meet the second Tuesday morning of the month from September to May in the Meeting Room. For more information please contact Carol Johnson

    Many of the shawls we make are donated to Froedtert Palliative care patients. Some of us also like to make knitted caps, several of which are donated to the “Mitten Tree” project at church, to the Sojourner Family Peace Center, and to Milwaukee Center for Children and Youth.

  • tgif

    An evening of food, conversation and camaraderie! Check the calendar or newsletter for the schedule. 

  • WPC Book Club

    The Book Club is a lively group that meets once a month to discuss a book the group has selected. Contemporary novels have largely been the focus, although fascinating biographies have also been included. Please contact Margaret Courtright for more information.