our team

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm; Friday 9am-12noon

Phone: 414-774-5005 | Email: tosapres@tosapres.com

Rev. Dr. Brett Swanson (Pastor) ext. 102

Cindy Thomas (Office Manager) ext. 101

Julie Badciong (Office Assistant) ext. 100

Micha Gibbons (Office Assistant) ext. 100

Gary Hodel (Custodian)
Cynthia Gebhardt & Amanda Miller (Crib Room Staff)

Nicole McCarty (Director of Music)
Martha Brown (Organist)

Jim Halverson (AV Lead Tech)

  • Rev. Dr. Brett Swanson, Pastor

    The Rev. Dr. Brett Swanson joined the staff of Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church as Co-Pastor in November of 2017. Since his ordination in September of 2007 Brett has served churches in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

    Brett is originally from California and holds a Bachelors in Religion and Philosophy from Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington and a Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Kentucky. He graduated as a Doctor of Ministry from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia in spring of 2019.

    Both personally and as a pastor, Brett is wholeheartedly committed to the full inclusion of the church and a theological foundation rooted in the radical love of a grace-giving God. He believes that it is our duty as Christians to speak out against hatred and evil in this world and counter that hate with a deeper, more sustaining love. Brett believes that as people of faith, we must be willing to live out this faith in a world that will call the Gospel’s message counter-cultural and do so understanding that the church does its best work when it is a dissenting voice.

    Brett enjoys reading, baseball, movies, live music and sports, video games, and adventures of all sorts, especially international travel. He is a husband and a father, and together with his family, makes his home in Wauwatosa.